24 settembre, 2007

Tip: Disabilitare il bip della console!

A lavoro non ho il mio laptop ma un vecchio desktop che ho riportato a nuova vita con Ubuntu naturalmente ;)

Da un bel po di tempo ero infastidito dal maledetto bip del terminale che veniva emesso ogni volta che un mio dito (uno qualsiasi :) ) andava a premere sul tasto tab.

Oggi mi son deciso a trovare una soluzione e la scrivo qui sul blog, magari sarà utile a qualcuno di voi. Basta usare il comando:

$ xset b off

nel terminale. Per farlo eseguire in modo automatico ogni volta che apriamo una console è consigliabile aggiungere una riga alla fine del file ~/.bashrc con il suddetto comando.

3 commenti:

  1. My comment doen't have anything to do with this post, but as I couldn't find anywhere else to report a bug I found in the latest version of cGmail, I do it here.

    When you don't want to use keyring (as I do) and you first install cGmail, you have to give keyring a password anyways or cGmail just doesn't launch. Only after I lauch it can I disable the feature. I think maybe you can fix it so that if I don't give keyring a password when I first start cGmail it recognizes I don't want to use keyring.

    Thanks for the very nice application. I have two Gmail accounts and was sad I couldn't use Gmail Notify to check but one.



  2. Hi there, I couldn't find a way to contact you about cGmail on it's main page so I thought I'd post a comment here.

    It's just a feature suggestion: Hide cGmail when it has no mail to notify you about.

    What do you think?

    - Lee

  3. It is already implemented into development version. I have no time to make a new release now :( I should make some testing and polish somethings. I hope I can relesase new version soon.
